“A professor of AMU committed suicide after being filmed on a spy cam where he was indulging in a consensual sex with a man"
This news may serve the purpose of being entertained,but on the contrary it highlights the condition of the country . The disease is called “VOYEURISM”. Post the famous DPS scandal and many other sting operations being aired openly on television with some blurred scenes, the Indian media is to be blame seriously. Who does what in his bedroom is none of our business, while some string operations have served as a “poll khol” for our baiymaan politicans, the sex scandals have ruined an individual’s life and the government should take serious actions against such bizarre ways of gaining TRP’s.
I was moved by the dialogue chanda of dev D, delivers where she says “people had fun watching the video and the same hypocrites called her slut”.
Nowadays these crazy craver for exposing whats running inside people’s underwear are after the saint-virgin baba’s who we all know are big time sexually frustrated people.
If you go on exposing people’s bedroom secrets like this then you will be ashamed of your own self as we all know how crazy our desires are!
Inspired by all this, filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma is now thinking of making a film on sex scandal of one baba. The movie will be a hit as we people love “the mirch and masala” about one’s sexual life.
Voyeurism has seriously hit Indian television. Reality shows like big boss, emotional attaychar gain big TRPS. The television producers are not ashamed of it as they claim “they get nice responses in terms of high TRP’s” True. Its we people who stick on to these shows and then bitch about the condition of today’s generation but we fail to ignore the impact it creates on one’s family who has no other option left after such incident but to pull the trigger and die.
While Voyeurism fever is all around the world, India is taking this at different level. New cases being the SANIA-SHOAIB-AYESHA’s stupid threesome drama and a suicide case of a professor of Amu University.
Wonder what is left now! I was once watching some gadget show on ndtv where they said that in future there will be time when people will expose their life 24x7 on the internet and in return will get huge bucks. Sounds crazy but this is a ‘Sad, but true’ incident which is going to be the next way of “social networking”.
In such circumstances, the lyrics of the song ‘love sex aur dhoka, darling’ makes true sense for us, the people living in India.