Ah! This being the 51st post of mine makes me absolutely clueless about everything. Its like a new beginning, new venture and lots of hope. I remember initially when i started to write something over here, i was really bad. Bad with language and grammar but not with ideas I suppose. This place has had a great impact on me.
While many people think that blogging is a waste of time, but i have to disagree with them to a big extent. In this real world, people are too busy in their own world and hardly have any time to give their views or opinions on any other thing.
And talking about myself, i had an enormous change in my being and thinking process because of this place. Writing about other people and their lives, makes you selfless and contented. Its like an urge that disturbs your mind and until you write about it you are not free from it. Whatever i have written till now be it humour,stories,juvenile poems,reviews,articles all of them have been the outcome of an urge that has driven me to give time to the blogging world.
In the beginning I was an active blogger, 1 post in 2-3 days and then I became lazy or didn't have anything to write about but the best part is I have managed to make this blog alive from the last 3 years. Just like in a relationship,initially you are very happy you spend 24*7 into each others business and then time plays it role, but if your relationship is true nothing can avoid it and my relationship with my blog is just the same.
I dont read many blogs because i have less exposure to them but i love to read Shobha De's blog - her humour, her blunt nature is amazing and more importantly interesting to read.
There are many people who are an active blogger, its a selfless hobby where you have so much to say in a space and if you are lucky, people have time to give a reading to what your mind has delivered.
Nowadays facebook and twitter are nothing but "mini blogging" where you share your ideas with people,get responses. Now there are many sources of killing man's isolation and interacting with people who share like minded interests. Indeed, I have been fortunate to have a blog and if you are reading this then please share some interesting blogs with me specially of youngsters. :D. (would love to read blogs of people of my age)